I’m always intensely jealous of people who can blog with pictures. Words come easily to me, but although I love beautiful images, they don’t flow naturally from my fingertips.

Here are a few of my favourite (really lovely) design blogs of the moment:

  • Notes by Naive (http://thisisnaive.com/)
    Beautiful photography of simple things, as well as a series of Lomo tours of San Francisco, Portland, Singapore and London. I love Lomo!

  • Noodle Was Here (http://vanoodle.blogspot.com/search?q=)
    A Durban designer who documents her life through pictures and words. Simple and honest, the way all blogs should be. Check out her post about the Cascoland 2008 project — so cool. (Oh, and she’s nominated for the SA Blog Awards under best undiscovered blog. Votes close tomorrow! — www.sablogawards.com)

  • The Sartorialist (http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com/)
    The man behind the Sartorialist blog used to be a head honcho in the fashion design world in New York. Now he takes photos of people on the street who look cool, through a designer’s eyes. The result is a collection of beautifully shot, beautifully ordinary people dressed in extraordinary ways. And it’s not just women! Style-bandit men feature heavily.

  • Skinny laMinx (http://www.skinnylaminx.com/) is an illustrator, writer and designer from Cape Town with an absolutely charming blog filled to bursting with lovely photos and wry observations about life. I’ve just discovered it, but I’m hooked already!
  • So now I’m all filled up with picturesque inspiration … Time to do some work.


    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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