What is the world coming to when African leaders can’t take their hard earned money and pop over to Europe for a spot of rest, perhaps purchase the odd car or two and pick up a decent bit of property?

Dear oh dear oh dear.

It seems that the French chapter of Transparency International (headquarters Berlin), the non-governmental group Sherpa and a Gabonese citizen have sued Gabonese President Omar Bongo, the president of the Republic of Congo, Denis Sassou Nguesso, and the president of Equitorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang, in Paris, for having enriched themselves using money belonging to their respective states.

Apparently the plaintiffs believe that none of these defendants are capable of paying for the assets set out in the summons out of their own finances.

Incredible. I mean what are the chances of an African leader using money earmarked for the masses of their country to acquire vast personal wealth?

Can’t be; is that possible?

In their particulars of claim: “The campaigners referred to a 2007 French police probe, details of which were leaked to media earlier this year by judicial sources, revealing that Bongo and his relatives owned 39 properties in France, mostly in the rich 16th district of Paris, as well as 70 bank accounts and nine cars. The properties also include luxury villas on the Riviera. The French police also established that Sassou Nguesso and his family owned 24 apartments and had 112 bank accounts in the country, while Obiang and his relatives had one apartment and eight cars”. (Reuters)

Anyone want to bet that the value of these three presidents abroad outstrips anyone back in the Republic of Congo, Gabon or Equitorial Guinea? Mind you, I shouldn’t take the Mickey. I’m sure that the poverty stricken masses of Gabon are thrilled that their president has 39 properties in France.

Doesn’t everyone?

I’m sure that when they explain to the starving masses in the Republic of Congo that the president has 24 apartments and 112 bank accounts in France they’ll be very excited. They can start their own “Spot the missing Congo Treasury quiz” or “Nguesso who half-inched the treasury and win a Parisian apartment competition”.

Anyhow, the purpose of filing the lawsuit is an attempt at compelling the French authorities to utilise their criminal justice system to look into how the three presidents were able to acquire assets of this magnitude. Should it transpire that the parties concerned have been guilty of misconduct, charge them in France because that is where the assets are.

I should mention that this has been tried before against Bongo, Blaise Compaore of Burkina Faso and Angola’s Eduardo dos Santos without any luck.

The French are, however, making available a magistrate to assist in this inquiry but I wouldn’t be too hopeful that the people of the three affected African countries will be getting any justice soon.

Mind you, it’s put me right off running for president. Hardly seems worth bothering about if they’re just going to keep on hounding you about where you got all the money to buy all these things.

I mean what’s the point in having a bloody coup in the first place?!

Closer to home Archbishop Desmond Tutu and former president FW De Klerk have called for a commission of inquiry into the arms deal.

With the damage that this untreated wound has done to the ANC and the country as a whole it is long overdue.

It will afford the authorities the opportunity of investigating the matter in full, reporting back and taking whatever steps flow from the outcome thereof. This as opposed to the unexpected flare-ups we are being treated to from time to time.

What’s the worst that can happen?

High-level members are drawn out into the open and charged. Certain high fliers are embarrassed for their participation in the deal?

In the scheme of African scandals it will hardly raise an eyebrow and those on the lamb can always pop over to Paris.

I hear there are a few apartments where you’d be most welcome about now.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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