I have it! Uh huh. After a whole month of being transport-less (after the debacle of my scooter being stolen and then dropped off the back of a truck), I am now, once again, a scooter girl! Hallelujah!

These are a few of my favourite things about being mobile, and, in particular, mobile on two wheels:

  • You don’t have to walk everywhere. Walking takes a long time, is extremely unpleasant uphill carrying milk, and makes you hot and sweaty (and sometimes sunburnt).
  • You can get places further than your immediate surroundings.
  • On a scooter, you don’t have to sit in traffic.
  • You don’t have to pay for parking.
  • You don’t have to find parking.
  • You can feel the wind in your face (this is sometimes a good thing, sometimes a bad thing, considering how frantic the Cape Town wind gets at times!)
  • You don’t feel stuck in one place.

Happy mobile weekend, everyone!


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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