It’s a new year! How splendid.

And in honour of the new year, I’ve got a new blog angle: these are a few of my favourite things. Basically, I’m going to be sharing with you things that I love — food, websites, quirks, funny things people say, music, moments of beauty.

Sound cheesy? Well, maybe … but here’s what I figure. There are so many hectic, news-ridden, lengthy, serious blogs out there. I can’t compete! I have nothing fresh to say about the Current Political Situation. Nothing at all. But I do have one or two things to say about life, and the living of it, and what it is that I love most about the daily grind.

I can promise it will be short and sweet.

Very short. Very sweet.

To start off, here goes: I’ve just returned from two weeks on an island in Lake Malawi. Heavenly! But here’s what I missed the most:

  • Wholewheat bread and butter. White bread just doesn’t deserve the name “bread”, especially when served with margarine. Yeeuch.
  • Fresh fruit and veg. Much as I love mangoes, and picking them straight off the tree is pretty cool, I also love other fruits (and un-tinned tomatoes) and fresh leafy vegetables. I’m a fresh-produce dork.
  • Chocolate. I succumbed to eating biscuits called Chunky Chocs that had no ingredients even vaguely resembling chocolate (not even cocoa!). Bring on the rich, dark stuff. Mmmhmm.
  • Tea with fresh water and tea bags. That is, not with lake water and tea leaves and powdered milk. I love my tea. Not so much when I have to sieve it through my teeth!
  • So that’s it. Food; I missed food. Didn’t miss TV or internet or cellphone. Not even a little bit.

    More tomorrow!


    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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