The left wing of the blogosphere and the liberal media have gone tilt at the nomination of Sarah Palin as presumptive vice-presidential nominee. Hordes of Democratic investigators and journalists are pouring into Alaska in the hope of digging up any dirt on the former beauty queen turned politician.

If panic is a sign that Senator McCain got this one right then the knee-jerk we are witnessing, if no real skeletons emerge, indicates that at present the Republican presumptive candidate is batting a million.

Images of Joe Biden’s nomination to run alongside the Democratic nominee, Barrack Obama, and even Hurricane Gustav have quickly been drowned out by the stampede that Palin’s nomination has occasioned.

Everything from allegations that her daughter Bristol is the real mother of Palin’s fifth child Trig, to using her gubernatorial office in order to take revenge on her former brother-in-law, has been thrown at her. Not to mention the bridge … as I say not to mention…

Mind you Bristol is pregnant but plans to marry the father apparently.

Wonder what them Southern folk will make of that thar unmarried pregnancy?

Anyhow, whoever you are backing for the presidency you have to feel sorry for this good ol’ gal from up north who has become the target of the Democratic electoral machine. Those guys will stop at nothing in their efforts to show that McCain has duffed this one big time.

Time will tell if they get it right.

Imagine then, if those same journalists and investigators came down here to dig up the dirt on the potential candidates for our upcoming election?

As Vodacom keep telling us in that hysterical advert — “We’ve been having it!”

Those geniuses would be inundated with stories about submarines, feeding scheme money gone a-missing, closing down of units of elite crime fighters for being too successful, Zimbabwe, Eskom, judges being harassed, the whole country being threatened, demands for two-thirds of the seats, dying for Zuma, dying for a coldrink (I always get the urge during long consultations), threats of strikes and anarchy from alliance partners … and then the incredible news that the party concerned is hoping to increase its massive majority during the election.

Bet their analysts wouldn’t touch that one with a ten foot barge pole.

We’ve been havin’ it!
(Give that man whatever awards we have for appearing in an advert)


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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