I haven’t laughed as loudly, or for as long, as I did on Sunday morning when I read Clinton van der Berg’s “Twakkie’s wit and wisdom”. It’s a collection of Peter de Villiers’s quotes that are finding a home not only here in South Africa but also wherever rugby is played the world over.

If you haven’t read them, this is a must.

On Saturday, after thrashing the Wallabies at Coca-Cola Park, Pete was at his finest: “The same people who threw their robes on the ground when Jesus was on the donkey are the same people who crowned him and hit him with sticks. But they’re also the same people who said they shouldn’t have done that afterwards because he really was the son of God … but I’m not saying I’m God.”

An absolute classic!

Remember Manchester United’s Eric Cantona on the subject of press intrusion? “When the seagulls follow the trawler, it’s because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.”

Gordon Strachan came back with: “If a Frenchman goes on about seagulls, trawlers and sardines, he’s called a philosopher. I’d just be called a short Scottish bum talking crap.”

I think Pete may be the answer to our prayers after years of dry sporting commentary from the coaching staff. If you think I’m kidding, google his name and see how many sites worldwide carry his quotes.

Top stuff!

As I said, when Peter got the job he will be judged strictly on his ability as a coach and nothing else. Unlike some who have been jumping up and down, I believe that De Villiers must be given a fair chance before the jury is brought in.

The fact that Jake White suggested the post of director of rugby has nothing to do with ousting Peter. He went to great lengths to distance himself from that and confirming it must be a part-time job with someone who doesn’t need the job acting as a sounding board to the existing coaches — not, as some believe, to select the coach or give him instructions.

On Saturday we saw Pete’s Springboks going some way to restoring the pride in the jersey. The fact that he has to be the most eccentric and loveable coach in our history is an added bonus.

May he only go from strength to strength.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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