Many of you have probably read some of the stories regarding the resignations of Lynda Odendaal and Simon Grindrod of Cope. My response was simply this:

Lynda who?
Simon who?

With the utmost respect to Cope and their leadership — including Dandala, Lekota and Shilowa — there is not one individual among them who stands out or who can be considered as a rallying point for the party.

In fact what was once the Mbeki faction of the ANC was far better off when it was still part of that party because at least there they had the former president to give them direction and leadership. Who fills that void now?

Two wannabes and a never was.

My suggestion prior to the election was for the party to look at enticing someone like Moeletsi Mbeki to head up the party. If not him someone of standing because it most certainly cannot be the current leadership who have neither enough strength to bring the party together nor even to knock each other out of contention for the top spot. This has occasioned untold infighting and external damage.

The fact that political nobodies like Odendaal and Grindrod can occasion such damage to the party speaks volumes for the lack of leadership that Cope has right now.

Where is their Zille, Zuma, Mbeki or even Eugene Terblanche?

Someone who unites the people behind the party colours even when their policies seem misguided and the basis for forming the party is still somewhat obscure.

If it isn’t, why are we not starting to see clear daylight between the policies of Cope and the ANC?

There is and was a definite gap in the South African political landscape which created the opening for the arrival of Cope. Unfortunately the same thing that caused many to leave the ANC ie factionalism is the very thing that has caused them to stand still post-election.

Everything was ripe for the formation of a party like Cope as their impressive start in the elections demonstrated. Unfortunately they now seem to lack the leadership to unite, project and create policies for the party which would take them to the next level.

This can be remedied by bringing in a leader behind whom the whole party could get together. This unfortunately will need sacrifices at the top.

That said it had best happen sooner rather than later or there won’t be anything left to lead.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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