Posted inLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

The threat of Indian globalisation

The last 30 years have seen a particular type of culture permeate the world. Driven by the microchip, fast food chains and David Hasselhof, this process has conceived an entity named globalisation. The economic and cultural mast of globalisation, (the naughty Americanised democracy-for-McDonalds version we all love to hate) has sown popular uprisings, iconic protests […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Maybe next time?

I missed Thabo Mbeki’s farewell speech on Sunday night and was desperate the next morning to catch a glimpse of his apparently wet eyes bidding goodbye to a nation. I rush over to the SABC website hoping to find an uploaded video of the evening’s drama. I don’t find anything. Instead, I come across videos […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Zapiro, Zuma and us – Part 2. Using rape against rape

Recently Dr Mamphela Ramphele astutely observed that the problem with African leaders is their inability “to envision their roles as agents of fundamental transformation of their societies”. I want to extend her point to those in the business of manufacturing public opinion, in particular journalists and cartoonists. Ramphele uses the example of Zimbabwean President Robert […]

Posted inBusinessMediaNews/Politics

In memory of Deon Basson, a great forensic business journalist

South Africa lost one of its greatest investigative journalists and a fine thinker when Deon Basson died this week. What endeared him to me, aside from my admiration of his understanding of insurance companies and the determination that made him one of South Africa’s finest investigative business journalists, was a lack of obvious vanity. The […]