Posted inMediaNews/Politics

No show from ANC

By Glenda Daniels Guess what? The ANC has not shown up for any of the Press Council review public hearings held so far this month. And yet, it is the ANC, more than any other organisation in the country, which is unhappy about the independent and critical South African press. Last year there was heated […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

Why Power Balance® is like apartheid

It’s happened twice this weekend: once on Friday among the black-pants-and-blue-shirt-set at The Baron on Fredman Drive, once at the Ciao Baby Cucina in Cedar Square. That’s where I saw young men wearing Power Balance wristbands. You have to admire their persistence and their bravery, because they might as well be walking around wearing twinkling […]

Posted inMedia

Gender coverage: Thought Leader leads the pack

Thought Leader was recently named as the forum where “most analytic discussion of sexual violence” was taking place by the Tshwaranang Legal Advocacy Centre, which recently conducted a study on the reporting of sexual violence in South Africa. Preliminary findings of the report were released in November to coincide with the 16 days of activism, […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

Thou shalt want, more

Imagine for a minute you woke one morning to find all advertising replaced with religious scripture. If you are Christian, imagine the messages were Muslim, and vice versa if you’re Muslim. Every logo, billboard, television advert and radio spot, now a quote from the Bible. How would you respond? I’m pretty positive that people would […]