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The critical task of universities

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that the educational task of universities is fundamentally twofold: first, to train and prepare students for a specific profession, or at least to develop capacities and skills on their part with the purpose of enabling them to play a constructive role in a country’s economy — as the […]

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Warahulu: An anthology of scariness

Is there a word for the ability, no, the power to move people, to stir them to act as you want them to? Persuasion: “cause to believe, provide a sound reason to do something” doesn’t quite capture the essence. Charisma: “compelling charm, attractiveness that can inspire devotion”; closer, but no coconut. Inspiration: “divine influence, fill […]

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Robert Mugabe’s Monopoly

We all remember Bob’s version of Cluedo where you had to guess the victim an’ all — “The leader of the opposition, underneath the prison, with the lead piping.” Unfortunately it was banned after the archbishop of Bulawayo said nasty things about Uncle Bob and they couldn’t use the Reverend Green any more. Having said […]

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Parliamentary pornography

Sjoe, but I’m dizzy! After spending some time tracking down the latest set of amendments to our sexual offences laws — the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act — I made a serious mistake: I started to read it. It had taken me a while to find the document because it has […]

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Merre Christmas

Modderdam Road runs from the N2 highway into the centre of beautiful downtown Bellville, part of greater Cape Town. I’ve been driving the four or so kilometers of the road to the University of the Western Cape every day for 10 years. Modderdam is a microcosm of the world we live in: vistas of development […]

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What makes a leader?

Leadership is an elusive quality, associated, at times, with different, even contradictory qualities. In a patriarchal context, people often seem to attribute personal traits such as conspicuous “strength”, authoritativeness and decisiveness (to the point of peremptoriness) to a leader — qualities that could easily be perverted into dictatorship, not only by the leaders in question, […]