Posted inGeneralMediaNews/Politics

Bring on the building blogs

If taken in earnest, blogging provides a generous platform for research. Generous because responses are free, and, while the “research” can hardly be called scientific, it is a toe-tip test of the pool’s swimmability. In my relatively short (though, may I say, rather spectacular) adventure in the blogosphere, I have gained insights I would have […]

Posted inGeneral

With Facebook you get without asking

When a snot-nosed and wet-behind-the-ears 23-year-old tells the world at a media junket how the advertising industry needs to listen to him, you wonder what authority he has to do that. His grand message is that “the next hundred years will be different for advertising, and it starts today”.

Posted inGeneral

Theory and practice

In a previous posting (The critical task of universities) I wrote about, among other things, the society-critical task of universities, as well as the place of teaching and research at such institutions. Unsurprisingly, it has elicited a negative comment aimed at exposing what my critic saw as the hollowness of “theory”