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The free-will delusion?

Imagine that you are in your favourite room at home. My personal favourite room in the house is my bedroom. I love my bedroom because; simply by being in there, I reduce the statistical probability of running into my three-year old and accidentally ripping out his Adam’s apple by a factor of three. I’m a […]

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Cometh the hour, will the man falleth flat on his face?

God love ‘em, the world could use more mavericks like Boris Johnson and Jacob Zuma. Keep your dull politicians, your people of note with their perfect pedigrees and coiffed scalps, honed in austere academies, planed and sanded at the finest finishing schools. Give us a world governed by floppy moptops, foot-in-the-mouth blunderers and sloppy dressers […]

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Scaling the firewall

Driving around a typical Johannesburg suburb, the most eye catching thing is that every house is surrounded by a wall at least 6 feet high. And these walls are decorated with electric fences or barbed wire. Their electric gates let in only the right people. These walls keep the bad people out (most of the […]

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Homegrown Software

It’s very tempting to think that your piece of software is very unique. In fact, why would you have a need for this software, if someone else thought about it already? As the old saying goes: “There’s nothing new under the sun.” And it’s quite true. There is almost never any new ideas or thoughts. […]

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Online Millions: Finding your niche

In your pursuit of making millions online, the most important decision you will have to make is choosing the correct niche as your target audience. Do not fall into the trap of playing the “it’s for everyone” game, because it never is, and even if it was, you would never be able to afford it. […]

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Social-media marketing needs a new name

Many people involved in the South African (and global) social media industry will agree that, if anything, these past few years have taught us a lot about web-based content and copywriting, online communities and networks, and marketing and communications on the internet. We have also seen how numerous companies, both locally and abroad, find value […]

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Racists, decolonise your minds!

During the past few weeks I seem to have spawned a fan club of several charming individuals who have left comments informing me that because I am white I have no right to tackle issues such as the Zimbabwean crisis. It’s interesting because these persons don’t demand that I censor myself on the basis of […]