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Social media confronts xenophobia

In the last couple of days, xenophobia reared its very ugly head in South Africa. Senseless violence and atrocities are being committed against other human beings. There was an outrage in the media, and blogging individuals made their opinions heard. It was especially multimedia by The Times and the Mail & Guardian that had the […]

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It’s easy for you and I

Let me start by unequivocally stating that I reject in the strongest terms the violence that has been unleashed upon defenseless foreign nationals in the townships and shanty towns of our country lately.,African on African violence reminiscent of the divide and conquer strategy mastered by the old regime. But – and there is a very […]

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The proverbial lion that is the outsource chain

With the massive demand for web services versus the terrible lack of hire-able skills in industry, companies find themselves in a position of only being able to outsource work to companies that have the necessary resources to meet their client’s demands. As one company outsources work to another, the receiving company is likely to outsource […]

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New Vodacom CEO: Why Pieter Uys makes sense

Vodacom CEO Alan Knott-Craig’s imminent retirement opens up one of the most sought after executive positions in the country. Speculation suggests that Vodafone wants to appoint a new CEO as a matter of urgency, fuelling the debate as to who will take the reigns at Vodacom. Knott-Craig founded and led Vodacom from its launch in […]

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Why market leaders don’t innovate

“Radical innovation never originates with the market leader” — Jim Utterback, MIT Did you know Mitch Kapor tried to license 1-2-3 to IBM for $3,5-million in the 1980s? They told him that hardware was a multibillion-dollar industry, and that the market for PC software was only a $50-million industry. IBM later bought Kapor’s Lotus Development […]

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The five rules for building an online community

I found a piece by Guy Kawasaki which really got me thinking. It perfectly illustrates the disjunct we find between the allure of social networks (and my new obsession — niche business networks) and the practice of implementing them. Many companies think that building a virtual community is as simple as throwing up a cool […]

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Information superhighway robbery

Few things infuriate me. In fact, very few things make me use the word infuriate. But today, as a survivor of rampant, blatant bandwidth theft, I have no alternative but to put this polite description to work. The others that rush to mind are reserved for the invisible culprit who should only hope that we […]

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An open letter to the President

Honourable President, I was very hesitant to write this letter in the first place, for I know how dearly you love to committeefy all matters. Well, most matters then, for you certainly did not call a committee together last year when you overturned the decision by the honourable Finance Minister and the esteemed Governor of […]

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The web 2.0 password crisis

Users increasingly need to create accounts with logins and passwords on the sites they visit these days. This is because the web today is no longer a place just for brochure sites, but is increasingly a place for online applications and services like email, instant messaging, banking, social networking… you name it. In the world […]

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A time for less compassion

Like everyone else, I am horrified and sickened by the images of people being burned alive, chased from their homes, and other unspeakable acts of violence occurring on our doorsteps. However, I am not filled with a sense of charity in the light of these acts. My overwhelming response is: foreigners, go home. Everyone can […]