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Rugby beats football any day of the week

Growing up in and going to school in Highlands North, Johannesburg, meant playing rugby and football seven days a week. Rugby practices were straight after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays with matches being played either Wednesday afternoon or Saturday mornings. Football practices were also held on a Tuesday and Thursday but in the late afternoons. […]

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Protest 2.0

We’ve all seen the use of Twitter in organising real-life protests at a moments notice. Examples are rife across Europe and the US, especially San Francisco where we’ve seen activists using Twitter to organise and co-ordinate an anti-war protest. Another example of the innovative use of Social Media in this way is that of James […]

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Bucs: A love unreturned

As French author and philosopher Albert Camus once said: “All that I know most surely about morality and obligations I owe to football”, I too owe everything I know about life, love and loyalty, pleasure and pain, pride and prejudice to having been a football fan. I know that even if I had not grown […]

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Users are the weakest link

They say a team is only as strong as its weakest link. I think it should be changed to a system is only as strong as the user. As a simple example, we have many applications to do different things at our disposal. Microsoft Word for word processing, Power Point for those spectacular presentations that […]

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Oh what racially tangled webs we weave

Ok, first off, this post is not meant to stoke the flames of controversy, though it is a sensitive topic, that being of race. I was notified through google alert a few days back that an article with my name in it was posted by Ramon Thomas. So of course my inquisitive nature got me […]

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TechLeadership through free education

Ok, so I’m a TechLeader now according to the cool gang at the Mail & Guardian Online. But I think it’s best to get some things out in the open before I continue on my leading ways. I know squat about technology. (Ok, that’s not entirely true, but I work on a 2005 model Toshiba […]

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Seeing is believing

Imagine an International Competition of Blind Hockey Players at the Olympic Games. That is the goal of Mark John DeMontis, a twenty-one year old third year student of the University of Western Ontario, in St. Cathrines, Canada. Mark has lost his central sight and relies on peripheral vision, because of Leber’s Optical Neuropathy, a disease […]

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Plurk, the new Twitter?

Another new micro-blogging platform called Plurk has stirred the social scene the last couple of days. Basically, they are doing exactly the same thing as Twitter, only they’re looking, uhm, cooler. That, and their IM updates seem to work. My initial reaction was “Oh wow! Bye, bye Twitter! Hello, Plurk!”. Then sensibility kicked in big […]

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Can Microsoft survive the Apple onslaught?

Apple has established itself on a very premium platform — all style, design and brilliant functionality. After the iPod, the brand image has hardly seen even the slightest decline in its brand equity. The launch of the iPhone and the Macbook Air, with all the flair of Steve Jobs as he cleverly launched them during […]

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Bafana Bafana – bankrupt in all regards

If Bafana Bafana was a business, it would have long filed for bankruptcy. In fact, Bafana is indeed bankrupt as we speak. There’s associational bankruptcy, managerial bankruptcy, coaching bankruptcy, skills bankruptcy, goal scoring bankruptcy, defending bankruptcy… need I go on? But, and this is a big but, unlike any other badly performing business, Bafana’s leadership […]