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Unite the party, bury the hatchet

The Umkhonto we Sizwe Veterans’ Association and the African National Congress Youth League have warned South Africans of the consequences of the continued “persecution” — as opposed to prosecution — of ANC president Jacob Zuma in terms of what they deem to be a political conspiracy. ANCYL president Julius Malema and MKVA chairperson Kebby Maphatsoe […]

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I am not patriotic: Forgedaboudit!

Sentletse Diakanyo ended his post on patriotism with a reference to a football team. This gives me a useful way to submit a contribution on the topic. I am not patriotic. This does not mean that I “hate South Africa”. Hell no. It simply means that I have beliefs and values that transcend national and/or […]

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Own your own last-mile fibre

SiloBreaker reports on an interesting fibre-optic deployment in Ottawa where 400 homeowners are being allowed to buy their own last-mile fibre. The idea that every home or business could come with a “tail” back to a common multiprovider service point could bring huge advantages: providers could service a suburb relatively cheaply, bringing new levels of […]

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From Euro 2008 to the new PSL season

The SuperSport TV channels showed us the entire European Championship soccer tournament in Austria/Switzerland — many great matches with excellent soccer, providing an excellent learning opportunity for all PSL teams and Bafana Bafana. We saw how to play the latest top-level soccer. If a team (PSL and Bafana Bafana) really want good results in the […]

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Charity Cup: Laying down markers

So what should we expect from the Charity Cup this weekend? Sundowns are the hands-down favourites to win, with good reason too — they have way too much quality in their ranks and the boys know that they need to start the season off on a strong note in order not to put pressure on […]

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Looking for Jane in Vienna

Earlier this month, on a Saturday afternoon, I found myself walking around the Stadtpark in Vienna, looking for someone called Jane, to play an Olympic sport that was apparently banned 2 000 years ago. If this all sounds a little weird, it’s because it was. The event was part of an alternate reality game (ARG) called […]

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One step backwards, two steps forward.

Not for the first time government, the 2010 Local Organising Committee and other key 2010 role players have undertaken a damage-control exercise following FIFA President Sepp Blatter’s recent admission that there is a “Plan B” if South Africa is unable to host the 2010 World Cup. But it has taken the comments of two prominent […]