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Where is the social conversation going?

This is a theory I’m hatching … Would appreciate some feedback. The premise: trying to look forward and predict what will happen in the adoption cycle of social media. It is, of course, only when we look forward, that we can invent truly differentiated and unique ideas. Its background thinking to this graph goes along […]

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To subscribe or to follow, that is the question

For those of you who don’t know, twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and receive other users’ updates, known as tweets. Tweets can be seen as text messages which move between users’ computers rather than mobile phones. There are hundreds of thousands of twitter users around […]

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Signs of hope despite Afcon disgrace

With the latest round of 2010 qualifying matches underway around the planet, South Africa is firmly in the international spotlight as the hosts of the next World Cup. Our early exit from the 2010 African Cup of Nations tournament is a major blow for the country’s World Cup campaign, but bruised Bafana fans should take […]

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Free speech and African homophobia

Submitted by Troy Thiel The recent homophobic writings of Jon Qwelane and the subsequent LGBT community reaction have highlighted many questions about where the borders of free speech lie and journalists’ responsibility regarding the effect of their words. With visible examples of hate crimes, this is an emotionally charged subject. Respectfully, I would, however, like […]

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Final chapter under way for Jews of Zimbabwe

Hylton Solomon remains a patriotic Zimbabwean, despite his experience of being jailed for “over-pricing” spaghetti in his Bulawayo grocery store. He also remains committed to helping keep Bulawayo’s 114-year-old Jewish community going, although today it is less than one-20th the size it was at its height. Solomon is an exception. Most Zimbabwean Jews have left […]

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Intellectuals and politics

Recently there have been a number of discussions/debates in the media on the role of ‘intellectuals’ in relation to politics, or more specifically, politicians. One of the things that gave rise to these discussions appears to have been the information, that African-American philosopher, Cornel West, has been acting in an advisory capacity to Democratic Party […]