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Hansie: have we forgiven him?

Next week, we will see the premiere of the Hansie Cronje movie and already, the nation is once again divided on the late Proteas’ skipper. Before it is even screened in South Africa, the movie has been met with mixed emotions with sceptics suggesting that the movie is nothing but an attempt to recreate the […]

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Blatter’s common touch strikes a chord

FIFA is fond of reminding the world that it has more member states than the United Nations and that it wields far greater influence. So when its bosses drop in for a visit, everyone takes notice. And so it was this week when the governing body’s President Sepp Blatter, Secretary General Jerome Valcke and other […]

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Just your average weekend, then

With the sun finally out, we should all be seeking the great outdoors. But if the local and foreign soccer leagues keep producing the first-class buffet of this last weekend, then it may prove too much to relinquish the TV remote. From lunchtime on Saturday, I sat transfixed as the Kop rejoiced in receiving unexpectedly […]

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‘Man-di-LAH!’: Carefully explaining to the Chinese in Shanghai what it meant to grow up in the old SA (part four)

Following from the previous post in this series The entire English department at the Shanghai University of Engineering and Science knew of Nelson Mandela. Should I say “of course” they knew of him? No. People tend to see their country as the centre of everything and can be appalled, perhaps, to realise that in far-flung […]

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Sharks to choke again? Never!

The Cheetahs are fresh out of wings (and ideas it seems), just last week we dispensed of the milk dispensers formerly known as Die Bulle with a brilliant Union interpretation of “Dutch Total Football”, the Lions are battling to keep their players from the twin lures of the euro/pound and the easy-come gains of the […]

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Santana: the man with no answers, no plan

This week, I got a rare opportunity to ask the country’s most paid manager Joel Natalino Santana to explain his football philosophy to me and the rest of football scribes who had gathered for a post-mortem following the country’s failure to reach the Africa Cup of Nations. “Clearly”, I told Santana, “we are not getting […]