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If Premiership clubs were cars, where would you ride?

Feeling somewhat bored during the international break in the English Premier League, a mate went off on a tangent, telling me how well-run clubs are much like superbly maintained engines: precise, thrilling and consistent. I pondered this for a while and decided to stretch it further. Why not compare the sides to motorcars. With that […]

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Motlanthe must be Mugabe’s bad cop

While former president Thabo Mbeki has always made allowances for Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe, things may well take a dramatic turn for the worse for the old man when the South African delegation arrives in Swaziland on Monday. President Kgalema Motlanthe leads a local delegation and will be joined by two other members of the […]

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The power of the Springbok

It causes horror and frustration to be sitting on the sidelines watching the drama and dilemma around the Springbok emblem, especially after watching on TV the Springbok Saga series, which gave me goosebumps and made me proud to be a South African, knowing that we won world cups in 1995 and 2007 — a 50% […]

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Do tourists irritate you?

I wonder if newer residents of London, New York, Paris or San Francisco feel this way. I’ve noticed over the past couple of weeks that I’ve come to feel quite resentful of tourists, which is a bit rich, considering that I myself was one until a little less than six months ago. I noticed it […]

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2010 public relations machinery shows signs of life

The public relations machinery responsible for selling the 2010 World Cup to the rest of the planet is finally grinding into gear. It’s no secret that South Africa has taken a beating in terms of its international media coverage since it was awarded the rights to host the world’s biggest single-code sporting event. With each […]

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What happens to Pikoli?

Submitted by Loammi Wolf With the resignation of president Thabo Mbeki from office, the following questions arise: What is going to happen to the suspended National Director of Public Prosecutions, advocate Vusi Pikoli? Has Dr Frene Ginwala completed her report? Was it already handed over to the former president? What are the legal consequences of […]

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Luke Watson, the media and the truth

I’m not Luke Watson’s biggest fan, but this week, the guy has been unjustly vilified by the “conservative” media who, I suspect, have an agenda and are using Watson as a tool to pursue their goals. I might be wrong, but until proven otherwise, I’m convicted to that view. I’m not saying Luke is a […]