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Africa, Africans and African Renaissance

David Diop’s Reflections on Colonialism – Africa – convey important points; a message one cannot ignore: Africa tell me Africa Is this you this back that is bent This back that breaks under the weight of humiliation This back trembling with red scars … That is Africa your Africa That grows again patiently obstinately And […]

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The big questions of science

In the most recent issue of the German magazine Zeit Wissen, a discussion is devoted to what is called “The 12 great (big) questions of science”. At first sight some of these strike one as being more philosophical (even metaphysical) than scientific, but on reflection, the German word Wissenschaft, which means “science” in the narrower […]

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South Africa on centre stage in 2009

It’s safe to say that 2009 will be the most important year in this country’s sporting history. In just six months, some of the giants of international football (including Brazil and Italy) will compete in the Confederations Cup. With a $17-million prize fund, it will be the biggest sporting event ever staged on the African […]

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Hoskins to invite Argentina to Dance in 2012 – Let the Music begin in 2009

South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa. could make southern hemisphere and Super Rugby more valuable to sponsors and broadcasters with an attractive rugby spectacle by introducing a coherent rugby inventory that complements the existing domestic and international tournaments and makes the Super 14 stronger. SA Rugby’s Hoskins as Chairman of Sanzar, […]

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Another year in the pursuit of misery

It’s that time of the year again when most people are in a resolute mood about all the things they’re going to change in the next twelve months. Needless to say, they won’t achieve anything. Nothing substantial in any case. The fatties won’t put down the supersized Double McGrease Deluxe Whopper Meals with extra onion […]

Posted inBusinessGeneralMediaNews/Politics

More than freedom of expression is under threat in South Africa

Thought Leader blogger Anja Merret recently mused about whether we were being brainwashed into panic. She asked, with considerable justification, whether our media and their international news networks were pumping so much doom and gloom into the already murky and polluted waters of South Africa’s national psyche that we were becoming the proudly SA Borg […]

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My very hazy crystal ball sees …

Right then — I’ve found and (somewhat) dusted off my crystal ball. Here goes nothing: 1. Despite playing the most beautiful brand of footie in the PSL, Orlando Pirates will not win anything during the regular season. 2. Frustrated at their continuing inability to beat The Mighty Buccaneers, Kaizer Chiefs will re-introduce the Sparletta Cup, […]

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Land grab!

I’m being invaded. The neighbours spend entire days on my property, and on more than one occasion they’ve managed to get inside the house. Just last night, I found one of them in my bedroom, acting as if he owned the place. Perhaps it’s cat karma. For months I’ve been without feline company, and now […]