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Academic freedom alive and well

I have always been the foremost advocate of academic freedom among my peers, most of whom during their early undergraduate days did not see the relevance of academic freedom in their lives, which were seemingly interminable cycles of rote learning and repetition. Though they might have resented the absence of free thinking from their first-year […]

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Bob celebrates 85 years

A Times Online article on Robert Mugabe’s little 85th birthday party makes for interesting reading. A veritable feast in the land of famine is planned for this auspicious event. Lobster, Moët & Chandon, prawns and definitely no maize meal. Just as an aside any brand that associates itself, by supplying its goods, with this event […]

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What is it with all this “willy-nilly”?

Why do South Africans, especially South African politicians, love the expression “willy-nilly” so? What exactly is its appeal? Here’s a selection of quotes, acquired willy-nilly — pronounced weelie-neelie — online, though they don’t begin to reflect the popularity of the word (I’ve heard it often in interviews on 702 and the SABC, for example): “We’re […]

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My Coke blogger gets the boot

This story has captured my interest mainly because most people commenting on the post (link expires February 16) seem to be fairly misinformed about what is considered fair play on the web and the law. To summarise the story it goes something like this: A fairly well-known and prolific blogger registers the domain name […]

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Why are we not immortal?

It seems as if, in light of the success of recent experimental scientific attempts to extend the life of certain insects and animals, immortality is not in principle impossible, as Ulrich Bahnsen observes in Zeit Wissen’s feature on “the 12 big questions of science”. Astonishingly, by means of genetic manipulation scientists have managed to extend […]