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Et tu Madiba?

by Marius Redelinghuys On my way to campus Monday morning I got a bit anxious when I read the Pretoria News posters alluding to some “Madiba magic” injection into the ANC’s election campaign, I pondered the possibilities of what this could really mean, but didn’t think much of it initially. However, as I walked into […]

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SAA: Cocaine or zol sir?

Forget Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, if an SAA flight had taken off from La Guardia and ploughed straight into a gaggle of geese, then the last thing our mob would have needed to do was ditch the plane in the Hudson. No, your average SAA crew seems to carry enough goed on board any given flight […]

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Twitter: The good, the bad and need for filtering

I first came across Twitter, the micro-blogging service, in 2006 when I was living in San Francisco. Up until quite recently I resisted using it for the simple reason that I didn’t think I needed to. I was also worried about the concomitant information overload and time consumption that Twitter inevitably brings with it. But […]

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Mandela: Commodity or icon?

I remember, as a poor varsity student, begging and borrowing money to visit Cape Town. A former schoolmate who had relocated to that beautiful city invited me to spend the week with him there. After some financial gymnastics, I eventually scraped enough money together to make the trip. In Cape Town, I decided to make […]

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Of course Motlanthe deserves his fat pension

In a democracy, today’s leadership is tomorrow’s electorate; power is never predestined and children are not heirs (except of course to hot off-the-cuff black economic empowerment deals). Today, our kings and queens are presidents and prime ministers voted in, not born or ordained by God. They are practical assimilations of royalty without the creed or […]

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Super 14 fact sheet: Place your bets

What an interesting Friday and Saturday it turned out to be — starting off the Super 14 with some peculiar results on the table, which will count for a lot in 10 weeks’ time when the top teams angle for a quarter-final. Let’s digress for a moment: There was the upset last night in San […]

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Referral system is just not cricket

This much-vaunted referral system the International Cricket Council (ICC) has implemented is a terrible decision. For one it has turned the hallowed grail of Test cricket into a stop-start contest, complete with all the hollow tension of a game show with a silly mystery prize. “Is he out or is he in? Let’s go upstairs […]