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Valkyrie: Can Hollywood save Germany?

George Bush, Walmart and the “World” Series are normally enough reason to dislike the United States. But if you’re a “rational” soul, and yet still unsure why the world simply cannot run out of reasons to malign the United States; go borrow yourself a couple of mates and run to your local cinema to check […]

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I am my neighbour’s keeper!

I read somewhere recently that doodles are now being touted as the latest insight into the psyche. I didn’t have time to read further (note to self — then do so soon!), which is a pity because I’m an exceptional doodler. Doodlers, real doodlers, are probably a marginal class of nut, schizophrenically able to synchronise […]

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A Malema hangover

The front page news of the Thursday March 5 edition of Mondli Makhanya’s rather entertaining daily baby left me rather, erm, in an enthused state. Julius Malema missing a rally because he had been out late previously and was quite possibly nursing the effects of Bachuss’s vengeance. Now sure Julius sells papers, and makes for […]

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Africa’s deficit of original thought

In a 1949 essay titled “The Economic Development of Latin America and its Principle Problems”, Argentinean economist Raúl Prebisch challenged the current economic orthodoxy. His contention was that “mainstream” economic thought, promoted by countries that were benefiting at Latin America’s expense, would not lead to that region’s development. Prebisch then went on to develop an […]

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Battle of the giants

Google recently joined the group of companies supporting the European Commission’s investigation into Microsoft over the benefits it gets ahead of its competitors by releasing its Internet Explorer browser with Windows. The complaint was originally filed by one of Microsoft’s software rivals, Opera. The Norway-based company also makes a web browser by the same name, […]

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Why South Africans need to come to the party

Remember the outpouring of emotion the moment when Fifa President Sepp Blatter confirmed the World Cup would finally be hosted by South Africa? Scenes of millions of people celebrating the dawn of the 2010 era were flashed around the world. But now, with just three months remaining before the Confederations Cup and 16 months left […]