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Zuma’s not my president

by Christopher Holdridge Yesterday, I was horrified to read Jacob Zuma’s comments about Afrikaners being the only true white South Africans. With an election only three weeks away, Zuma was addressing a group of representatives of Afrikaans-speaking organisations in Sandton, Johannesburg. He stated before the gathering that “in South Africa it is only the Afrikaners […]

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Who turned JZ into Mr Min?

Ok, who turned the world upside down? Who turned the bad guys into the good guys and the good guys into the bad guys? Who turned the ANC into the old Nats and The Arch into PW Botha? Who turned the Dalai Lama into Pol Pot and Jacob Zuma into Mr Min? April Fool’s Day […]

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Let Benni bounce into oblivion

Ah, the internationals week. A perfect time for the forgetfully inclined to suddenly remember the full extent of niggling injuries and writhe in pain to avoid an arduous trip back home for an irritating friendly. The antics of Benni McCarthy last week highlighted the pitfalls of letting past glories go to your head. Benni is […]

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Our moral heritage is not for sale

China has for some time now been seducing African countries, all of whom are desperate for foreign direct investment with the promise of “no strings attached” investment, aid and military assistance. Though some countries have placed human rights as one of the preconditions for investing in Africa, China has opted to turn a blind eye […]

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The anguish of the exiles

Now that I’ve been in a foreign country for two months, and despite the fact that I’ll return sooner than comforts me, I have begun to understand the enormity of relocating from the land of your birth. Irrespective of the details, every South African I have come to know while staying with my family in […]

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Student politics

By Siziphiwe Ngxabi The race to the elections has certainly become very interesting over the past few months with all the political parties trying to score themselves support leading up to the national elections on April 22. What is likely to be even more interesting is the participation of the Student Representative Councils (SRC) in […]

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Randomness or Buridan’s Ass?

So, did anybody read the story about the construction worker who found a cooler box buried underground at an Edenvale construction site? He immediately called the SAPS who, upon investigation, discovered that the cooler box contained R1,5-million in small, unmarked bills. So far this story sounds like a fairy tale involving a hard-working, honest man […]

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I write about what I write about

I believe I have elevated the art of stating the obvious to new dizzy heights. And I’m not about to disappoint. So I’ll regale you with this revelation: I write about what I write about. Now you might think that this is an unnecessary thing to point out. I forgive you. After all, you are […]