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Barcelona’s graffiti artists are running riot

The commentator had it right. Barcelona haven’t won anything yet, despite their mind-blowing brilliance. I will say one thing, though. They may not have won a trophy this season, but Pep Guardiola’s side have most certainly won the hearts of every football fan out there. Their latest demolition job, in Real Madrid’s backyard nogal, was […]

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Zuma’s honeymoon period

Irrespective of how you voted or your feelings towards the ruling party, the time has come to afford the ANC and soon to be national president Jacob Zuma and his incoming administration the breathing space they need to get everything up and running. The time for electioneering is over and the future wellbeing of this […]

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Dangling between the devil and the ANC

One of the big stories of the day in the US is the sly means by which mega-corporations are finding less-than-open ways to give their CEOs disproportionately gargantuan packages. Everything from super-cars to private jets to high-profile academic posts to private security. The companies — if and when they respond — bleat about how hard […]

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Is KFC the right image for the Proteas?

Submitted by Sean Lloyd We’ve all come to look up at certain people in our lives and often the brands we use are ones that have in some way been endorsed by someone we look up to. From Lance Armstrong, Nike and Oakley, to Kelly Slater and Quiksilver, each brand has a face to it […]

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Indeed working together we must do more!

Unity is the mantra of every politician, whether inspired by well-meaning intentions or purely populist rhetoric and self-serving interests, it is a constant refrain. A united country seldom serves the immediate populist interests of holders of public office. When all of us are unified by common interests, populists lose an effective weapon to use in […]