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Waving around the old SA flag and perceptions

I have been wanting to write another blog on the fascinating phenomenon of perception for some time. Khaya Dlanga’s recent blog on banning the old flag was a good way to ground it in a controversial, hotly debated example of perception. I sympathise with Khaya’s impassioned request for the banning of the old South African […]

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Is Zapiro all we get?

By Paul McNally Jonathan Shapiro is a lovely man, soft-spoken, his cartoons are delightful, but is he all we get? During the audio commentary on The Times website — concerning the repeated axing of the Special Assignment documentary on political satire — he sounds weary. He dutifully explains his position for an umpteenth time on […]

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Is David Bullard arrogant?

“Oh wow,” said the Canadian classical guitarist, Norbert Kraft, to me, ” … you mean to say you watched me play through your binoculars for most of the show … must have been boring,” he chuckled self-deprecatingly while he signed my copy of his album after a live show in Montreal, Canada. I winced. What […]

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Rooting for the underdog?

An acquaintance recently indulged me in one of my favourite pastimes — arguing over inconsequential matters using our respective employers email facilities. Nought out of the ordinary there you may say. And you’d be right, I imagine at least 60% of time spent on work email is not in the furtherance of an employer’s “global […]

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The ethics of digital advertising…

I’ve been victim (stupidity or entrapment, I’m not sure yet) to a couple of mobile subscription services recently. Browsing any old half-decent mobile site only to be hit with a 5 euro/month charge that apparently I opted into once downloading the content. And no. It wasn’t THAT kind of content. It brings to mind the […]

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The case for optimism

Even if I’m completely wrong. If there had been two ways that something could work out and I have chosen the incorrect one. If I had been smoking my socks and there is no validity in what I thought would happen. If it is now entirely clear that I have been unrealistic and out of […]

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Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium: The good news and the very bad news

The good news is that the South African government and Eastern Cape government, along with the Nelson Mandela Bay municipality, have collectively spent R2 billion in developing a magnificent and spectacular multipurpose sports facility in the Eastern Cape for soccer and rugby. This excludes the billions going into support infrastructures to ensure the stadium becomes an […]

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Racing through Rhodes

With a month and a half to go before one of the top trail runs on the SA calendar kicks off in the snow fields of Rhodes, last years adventures are a reminder of how frosty it gets in sunny SA … It is the day before the Rhodes Trail Run and we are sitting […]