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‘Primacy’ my ass: The ICC’s semantic coup

By Adam Wakefield The old adage states “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”. David Morgan, the ICC president, recently said that Test cricket could or would undergo serious changes by the time the clock strikes 12 and 2010 becomes 2011. This statement emerged from the background of what has now become a cliché in […]

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Has Fergie lost his marbles? I highly doubt it!

It’s been most amusing hearing various reactions to Michael Owen’s surprise switch to Old Trafford. Be it Liverpool fans fuming at the thought of their former idol wearing the red of the “Mancs”, to United fans who are scratching their head at Sir Alex Ferguson’s latest transfer punt. If you believe some, Fergie only bought […]

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I think I’m missing something

After three nights and almost three days at the festival, the cosy crimson-lit evenings that trail into the early hours around golden goblets and feast laden tables — which I thought would be every night — are yet to happen. And it’s like they say — if it hasn’t happened by 11pm, it’s not going […]

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How much for the dead guy?

By David J Smith How much is a human life worth? What is the value of a person? Now I am not talking about some metaphysical value, a moral measure of the human soul. This is not a question for the amateur philosophers or the local vicar. This is a question for the accountants, the […]

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No man is bigger than the club

We have seen time and again at Old Trafford that no man is bigger than the club. Players have come and gone and it’s been clear that there’s no room for egos. The only ego that counts and is allowed is Sir Alex Ferguson’s. Ferguson has said that Manchester United is a phenomenon that is […]

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Minister Nzimande must resign

I have evidence that both Sasco (including the PYA, ANCYL, YCL) and Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande declared that FREE HIGHER EDUCATION was and would be an objective of the Zuma administration. Indeed having spent a good hour laughing at Sasco’s plan for free higher education, and at least ten seconds wondering why Blade bothered […]

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Malema Political School will offer woodwork

African National Congress Youth League President Julius Malema has confirmed that in order to avoid becoming another Zanu-PF, his organisation had decided to open a political school in Krugersdorp (which they officially launched yesterday). I haven’t seen it but I’m sure it’s to die for. Malema says they are of the view that the school […]

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Sports psychology

The highs and lows of life in Joburg, a personal curiosity that kicks in after thirty and probably a little peer pressure (everyone else does, so shouldn’t I?) has led me to explore the Western concept of the shrink. I’m on visit number four and Floppy is starting to get interesting. It’s a bit difficult […]

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Where is the care?

In respect of your itinerant practice: You are registered to be in practice and in attendance at the public hospitals and clinics, and are therefore supposed to be in attendance at these places for the purpose of consulting with and attending to the needs of the government’s patients (who present themselves for treatment in their […]

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Burka violates women’s right to dignity

Freedom of expression, subject to particular limitations, in all democratic societies is guaranteed to all citizens. Democratic values of human dignity and equality are affirmed by such freedoms, which we hold dearly. It is generally accepted in our country that while we exercise these freedoms, none of us should extend them to advocacy of hatred […]

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170 000 unsold Lions tickets!

There has been a little bit of a dust-up and finger pointing between SA Rugby and the Lions over the question of some unsold tickets and why? The number of unsold British & Irish Lions Tour tickets after 9 matches is a staggering 170 000. Take the average round value cost for provincial and mid-week games […]