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Email broadcasting done properly

Sending email broadcasts — on the surface — should be one of the simplest and most straight-forward processes. The digital equivalent of stuffing a couple hundred or thousand (or even tens/hundreds of thousands) of letters into envelopes and posting them off. Without the arduous task of printing, folding, inserting and licking, and the time/cost associated […]

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Finding success as a selling club

A selling club is a club that has to sell its most prized assets every season to survive, they don’t generate a lot of money from marketing, sponsorships and merchandise. There are a lot of soccer clubs in Europe even if they play in the lucrative Champions League they still have to sell season in, […]

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Language as an Allen key or crowbar?

My status updates on the increasingly ubiquitous Facebook platform don’t normally generate much in the way of interesting, meaningful discussion. Admittedly I’m probably to blame for that as I have a tendency to post stream-of-consciousness snippets that nobody understands, for my own amusement, or as a small marker of thought in time. At least I’m […]

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The sympathetic meeting of minds in ICT4D efforts

Being a communicator and debating knowledge is probably a central (and mostly subconscious) concern of most skills and traits. Sadly though, it seems that the skill of interpersonal communication or facilitating the “sympathetic meeting of minds” is only briefly fondled by most formal programmes; often only as an “add-on” or an “optional extra”. Most of […]

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Cope’s Big Idea?

Attempting to understand why exactly 1.3  million South Africans cast their ballot in the 2009 elections with an “x” next to Terror Lekota’s face is by no means an easy undertaking. Apart from the obvious difficulties associated with locating and interviewing the 1.3 million people behind the secret ballots, the vast array of competing, contrasting or […]

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Will 2010 mark a turning point for Zimbabwe?

We can all be forgiven for being apprehensive about the situation in Zimbabwe. For many years, Africa and the rest of the world has witnessed its political and economic meltdown which spilled over into neighbouring states, casting a pall over much of the subcontinent’s progress and, of course, South Africa’s 2010 World Cup preparations. Nevertheless, […]

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Battle of the giants II

A while back I wrote about the Battle of the Browsers between Opera’s Opera, Google’s Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox versus Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. From the look of things, the axis of good have won with the recent announcement by Microsoft that they will be shipping Windows 7 to Europe without IE. It just makes me […]

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Religion, the ultimate taboo subject?

Thinking people generally resent being presented with take-it-or-leave-it dogmatic certainties, especially when it comes to the “Ultimate Questions” of humanity’s origins and purpose. That being the case, why did I choose to present a pro-religion argument in my last post in so unqualified and in-your-face manner? It was not, contrary to certain rather spiteful suggestions […]

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Are you a Sepp Blatter for SA?

Sepp Blatter, the Fifa head honcho, is quite possibly also its biggest buffoon. From the ridiculous statements about female footballers wearing skimpy outfits to that affair where he stepped in on Real Madrid’s behalf (as is Fifa tradition) and declared the multimillionaire pansy Cristiano Ronaldo a slave for not being allowed to leave the club […]

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C’mon Becks, it’s time to conquer Africa!

I suppose David Beckham wasn’t quite expecting the verbal volley from Galaxy fans on his return. Then again, what did he expect? If you tell your wife you love her dearly, then spend half a year flirting outrageously with an exotic supermodel, will you really be surprised if you are confined to the couch and […]