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Vote for free education

To my fellow students I am given once again to reflect on the pathetic leadership provided to the students of South Africa by the ANC government, and in this case by the SACP’s Minister Blade Nzimande, and the ANC’s Youth Militia of Cosas, Sasco, ANCYL, YCL and PYA. I recall that they all promised us […]

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Zapiro’s spot on

Today the M&G posted another excellent and “it says it all” cartoon by that master of public comment, Zapiro. In the picture, titled “Revealed in Oz … “, it shows Caster Semenya dressed up like Dorothy, flanked on her right by the Tin Man, Scarecrow and Lion. The Tin Man has “Aussie editors” scrawled on […]

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Fear is not freedom

By Sipho Mazibuko As a recent victim of crime, though indirectly, I initially denied the statistics. Some appeared as mere concoctions by those hell-bent on demoralising our society and undermining our hard-fought democracy. As with almost everything, we don’t believe … until it happens to you. Hoodlums, criminals, thugs, rapists — all brings feelings of […]

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The return of ‘European nights’

Tonight marks a defining moment in the return of “European nights”, also known as the Champions League — the best continental championship in the world right now. This season’s final is going to be held at Real Madrid’s homeground, the Santiago Bernabeu. As usual there will be more questions than answers which will be answered […]

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The hotline to the presidency was launched yesterday. The toll-free number is manned by 43 officials (yes, that is about 1 person for a million South Africans) who will then be responsible for seeing that the complaints raised are addressed, or at least that the respondents are held up to date on how their issue […]

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SA strikers, where art thou?

It is frightening to see the gulf in class between the English Premiership and our own. While the like of City, Liverpool and even Sunderland plundered four goals apiece over the weekend, South Africa’s finest combined for a completely underwhelming barrage of just nine goals in eight matches. It is a shocking statistic, especially when […]