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Merciful justice

To build the society that we want to live in, which principle do we think is more important — mercy or justice? This was the topic of the latest of the discussion groups that I attended. At first most of us had our knee-jerk opinion — we had decided on our principles and decided which […]

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The ‘big men’ of the field

When de-colonisation was sweeping across Africa, the leaders that took charge of the newly created democracies on this continent were often given the title of “Big Men”. It describes those individuals who were directly responsible for their countries’ liberation, and then took control with an unyielding fist. Examples include Kenya’s Daniel Arap Moi, former Zaire’s […]

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Is media obesity tempering our enjoyment of sports?

Today, sport is everywhere. With satellite communications becoming the norm rather then the exception in the 1990s, the Oozies (2000s) have seen satellite television coverage, especially that of sport, mushroom in a fashion comparable to that of the daisies in the Namaqualand spring. SuperSport is one of the world’s largest and most successful broadcasters of […]

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Kangaroo courts part 1: The Polanski case

Every so often we are faced with a news story that divides opinion and causes heavy debate. In these cases, emotion often rules supreme and otherwise pleasant people become laptop dictators demanding justice and punishment. They seldom know more than the basic public stance, cry righteous indignation without a semblance of objectivity, and the baying […]

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Ich bin kein Berliner

Ich bin ein Berliner. — John F Kennedy, 1963 Zwei Berliner, bitte. — Tertius Kapp, 2009 21/10/09, 15:34 JFK famously called himself a doughnut (a specific German variety known as a “Berliner”) during a 1963 speech underlining the USA’s support for West Germany. Recently, party poopers have been pointing out that he was technically correct […]

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Love and finitude

But what if all that stuff about “kissing the joy as it flies”, which I wrote about some time ago here (see “The pragmatics of love”), just does not seem to work, or work out, and despite all one’s attempts to do justice to one’s beloved — albeit within the inescapable limits of one’s humanity […]

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A new dawn for Formula 1

Next season’s Formula 1 season looks like it’s going to be one of the most intriguing yet. There won’t be a certain Max Mosley, whose reign as President of Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) was full of scandals. Some said the sports governing body showed favouritism in how it handled some of the disciplinary cases. […]