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Swindled by Uncapped

When Mweb announced uncapped Internet in this country, the market went crazy. Competitors followed with similar offerings within days and analysts announced the breaking of a new dawn. Most people failed to mention that it was a rip and in everyone’s enthusiasm, the point that the product is not worth paying for got swept under […]

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Swindled by uncapped

When MWeb announced uncapped internet in this country, the market went crazy. Competitors followed with similar offerings within days and analysts announced the breaking of a new dawn. Most people failed to mention that it was a rip-off and in everyone’s enthusiasm, the point that the product is not worth paying for got swept under […]

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An anatomy of anger

On Sunday my girlfriend and I were racing back to Cape Town, hoping to make it in time to watch the final at the Grand Parade. Unfortunately our car broke down about an hour away, and we only made it back to town well after the fan park was closed. I was absolutely fuming. First […]

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Peace: What is it really?

By Nhlangano Nyembe I was chatting with a colleague of mine recently about the World Cup in South Africa and inevitably, the subject of the high crime rates in South Africa surfaced. He mentioned how he had read media reports about how dangerous South Africa is. I went on to agree with the reports however […]

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I will not hide

By Tamlin Wightman I recently read an article on the BBC News about rape and who is to “blame”. I’d heard of a friend or relative being raped but the victims themselves never told me and rarely spoke of the assault, unlike me — I will speak out. I’m looking back at my own reaction […]

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Take a bow, South Africa!

Four years ago, Project 2010 was launched with the aim of providing a free flow of information relating to the preparations for the 2010 World Cup. In our mission statement, we declared our confidence that South Africa would host the greatest World Cup in history. Since then, this country has experienced extraordinary highs and lows, […]

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Crime and empowerment

I met a really interesting Syrian football fan in Nature’s Valley in the Western Cape during the World Cup. His way of avoiding the apparently terrifying crime In South Africa was simple — he stayed in the Valley, in a tent to start with, and then moved to a chalet when he realised winter in […]

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All’s well that ends well

South Africa 2010 has been a success. It’s official. The world’s second best newspaper (after the Mail & Guardian of course), the Financial Times, said so today. In an editorial. So it must be true. The naysayers and racists were wrong; Africa can do it. Yes we can! Emma Hurd of Sky News, and all […]

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Did Suarez cheat?

By Ian Dickinson A hollow thud resonated as the ball thumped against the crossbar — a thud that all but silenced the African continent. Asamoah Gyan looked bewildered as did the many that had put their faith in Ghana’s Black Stars. The penalty had been awarded in the dying minutes of extra time following a […]