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How is a ‘critical journalism’ possible?

Journalism is usually, and I believe accurately, associated with the uncovering and reporting of “facts”. Investigative journalism, especially, involves the (sometimes difficult, even dangerous) ferreting out of “facts” that are not generally known, and often deliberately hidden or covered up, especially by those in power. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, for example, will be remembered […]

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Selecting a team based on symmetry

Picking a sports side is always an interesting venture. Apart from it being an exercise of tactics and planning, there is also the toughest facet of all when it comes to forming a competitive outfit: the human dynamic. History tells us a group of people that have spent a certain period of time around one […]

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If you know, should you tell?

A lot of the law around children requires ordinary citizens who know about child abuse or molestation to report it. It is in fact illegal to know about this stuff and not report it — if you don’t report, you are complicit. This makes sense in some respects, and some respects it doesn’t. Obviously it […]

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Telkom Charity Cup time again

It’s Telkom Charity Cup time again where Absa Premiership teams, as voted for by their supporters, will take part in a four-team, one-day tournament in the name of charity. But don’t be fooled by the word charity, when the teams take the field they are not charitable at all. It becomes an all-out battle for […]

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Zim: A second liberation?

If you are in the 30-plus age bracket, chances are, you will not see Zimbabwe rise again in your lifetime. Now before you accuse me of being an unfeeling pessimist, I am not by any means suggesting that Zimbabwe will never recover. I am merely asserting that a return to the former glory days is […]

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Zim must regain sense of outrage

If you are in the 30-plus age bracket, chances are, you will not see Zimbabwe rise again in your lifetime. Now before you accuse me of being an unfeeling pessimist, I am not by any means suggesting that Zimbabwe will never recover. I am merely asserting that based on the multi-faceted dynamics which have shaped […]

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SA Jewish Board of Deputies must condemn Israel’s actions

Often anti-Zionist and Israeli apologists when arguing about the Israel/Palestine conflict, behave like toddlers on a playground needing parental supervision. There are those who vehemently defend the actions of Israel regardless of the atrocities it commits. According to their logic Israel is protecting its “right to exist” (**rolls eyes**). This is while anti-Zionists also condone […]