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Test cricket — the greatest game on earth

“Baseball has the great advantage over cricket of being sooner ended.” These were the words of the Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, perhaps complimented by the actor Robin Williams, who said of the gentleman’s game, “Cricket is basically baseball on Valium.” Both men and many other people have always tended to think Test cricket specifically, […]

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To BEE or not to BEE…

This blog post is about the difference between two kinds of human achievement. It is about the difference between the pursuit of excellence and the drive to conformity. It is about the difference between Woodstock 1969 and SA Idols 2010. I am not a fan of singing talent competitions of any kind. With the possible […]

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Nkosi Sikelel’iAfrika

It is a familiar scene at any Test match in South Africa: The teams have run onto the pitch and are lined up for the national anthems. The visiting team gets proceedings under way with their anthem, once concluded they receive a polite smattering of applause from the crowd. Now, it is the turn of […]

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Apartheid’s trapped within us

I reflect with a deep concern the demise of our country. Demons have not left the country with the promulgation of freedom in 1994. They are still very much entrenched within our public systems and certainly, within ourselves. The difference between pre-1994 and post-1994 lies in that our demons have changed their faces and evidently […]

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Boks…something’s gotta give

How quickly things change in a couple of months. Before the 2010 edition of the Tri-Nations began, South Africa were seen by many as favourites. Now that the Springboks round of fixtures has thankfully come to an end, the exact opposite is true. Judging by Bloem, and Loftus before it, we may have reached our […]

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Poverty is not a problem of nature, it’s a problem of power

“Development,” I’ve discovered, operates as a flagrantly racist discourse in some guises.  Scrambling to explain the reasons for Africa’s perpetual poverty and apparently incurable misery, laypersons in the West point to Africans’ “savagery” and alleged incapacity for civilisation.  This is not just a fringe opinion; even among putatively educated individuals such nonsense recurs with disturbing […]

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Excuse my rant III

I must admit, I’m very encouraged by what I have seen, read and heard in our beloved South Africa in the last three weeks. Ours is a blessed country with massive riches but to think of the plight of the poor who go to bed without food, proper housing, healthcare, the opportunity to get a good […]