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No beating piracy without content distribution maturity

By Matthew Tagg Figures from the IDC show that piracy went up a percentage point in SA between 2007 and 2008 — amounting to R3.1 billion in industry losses. While many people justifiably bemoan the spiralling piracy rates occurring across the world, it’s unlikely that we will see any changes in the numbers without a radical […]

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Get up, stand up

By Nomfundo Walaza I first questioned the notion of “keeping the peace” several years ago while I was still practising as a psychologist. A refugee girl, who was sexually abused by her adoptive parent, was referred to me for counselling. She believed that her adoptive “mother” knew, about the abuse, but did not want to […]

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Queer for Madiba

The Community of Mandela Rhodes Scholars (CMRS) is a rather queer and gay snapshot of a utopian society. Queer in the sense of it being “different” or “strange”, and gay because CMRS gatherings are often jubilant and joyous occasions. But beyond the archaic and now dated uses of these terms, the CMRS has proven to […]

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Weaker rand won’t help

The global economy is poised for a full-blown “currency war”, where countries deliberately devalue their currencies in order to boost exports and stimulate economic growth. At the recent IMF and G7 meeting in Washington, the IMF’s call for a ceasefire between the two main combatants, the US and China, failed. IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned […]

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Cricket’s new world order

Epochs can defined by many different things: an era-changing event, a ground-breaking personality or a shift in dominance from one party to another that takes place over a gradual period of time which often crosses the finish line via what would normally be construed as a meaningless event. For the Cold War, it was the […]

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Top 20 rugby quotes of the week

1. John Mitchell: “I won’t let this deter my commitment or passion for the team. But I need to make sure that I am totally secure where I live. It is not at all nice waking up and having to defend your life.” 2. Peter de Villiers: “The guys have come back refreshed and hungry […]

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Africa’s already missed the boat

By Gareth Knight New international submarine communication cables are starting to ring the continent, bringing with them the promise of cheaper broadband across the continent. That means Africa will soon have the infrastructure to compete more effectively in the online space than it did in the past. But Africa has missed out on several years […]