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A the day at the Ashes, MCG style

It was with great trepidation that I stepped upon the metro train at Malvern Station, destined for my first ever day of Ashes cricket at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, known to us as the MCG, or to the locals as simply “the G”. I had been there once before for a big AFL game, but […]

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Think before you snoop

While hacking into your wife’s email account might be thoroughly enjoyable it can also be confining … such as at President Jacob Zuma’s finest correctional facility. Yes, I know there are things that you absolutely must check, eg. is she bonking around? But that doesn’t alter the fact that it could land you in jail. […]

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What the WikiLeaks affair tells us about communication

The world recently became even more complex. In days gone by, personal disgruntlement and consequent “disloyalty” on the part of diplomatic staff in possession of “sensitive” material (and therefore capable of, if not likely, to divulge this to adversaries), sometimes threatened relations between countries — that much has not changed. What has changed, however — […]

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2010: A year to forget for Boks

2010 will in South Africa be known as the year of Ayoba! (The marketing person who latched on to that one should either be stoned or applauded.) The Soccer World Cup came to the shores of the Republic, and for once, the country didn’t descend into its usual cynicism to host a tournament that was […]

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E-business evolves

The e-business provider arena has grown into an enormous, complex industry with numerous specialist areas in the last 10 years. And yet providers continue to claim one-stop shop status and fail to carve out clear niches. As a result many top-flight projects stutter and fail as teams are forced to hire more help and members […]

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Sachin Tendulkar, cricket’s truest religion

The first Test between South Africa and India has from Graeme Smith’s perspective gone rather nicely. His opening pair bowled like they were blood thirsty with even Morne Morkel, not usually the most aggressive of chaps, keen to play some chin music for the batsmen … at high pace. His batsmen then, himself included, went […]