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Springbok puzzle for 2011 nears completion

The gentlemanly fisticuffs that we’s seeing across the Sanzar universe at the moment, while first and foremost a battle for regional supremacy, falls into the shadow of a much bigger prize. Rugby World Cup VII begins in earnest during the middle of September but the majority of Super rugby players will tell the media that […]

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If only I wasn’t afraid of maths

I have a recurring nightmare, and it’s not the possibility that Patricia de Lille might pose for Playboy as part of some sort of commemorative election edition. No, this nightmare always involves something quite different: waking up to discover that I have a maths exam to write — and I haven’t studied for it. Maths […]

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The tsunami in Japan: Reality versus simulation

In an age when sophisticated new technologies enable engineers, architects, medical doctors, physicists and molecular biologists to simulate virtually everything that their respective disciplines pertain to, from building designs to protein molecules, the Japanese tsunami comes as a cruel reminder that there is, after all, something real out there. And this “something” sometimes behaves in […]

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Tackling corruption with conviction

Stephen Grootes writing for Eyewitness News on Thursday confirmed that the Constitutional Court has dropped a bombshell in the lap of the government after ruling that the legislation disbanding the Scorpions was essentially invalid and did not give the unit’s successor, the Hawks, enough independence. Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke read out the majority judgement, […]

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The mother of all embarrassments

While Schabir Shaik, the former financial adviser to President Jacob Zuma, has been arrested by officers from Correctional Services this does not mean that the South African public should assume that his bail is about to be cancelled. Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula confirmed on Monday that Shaik had been picked up and taken to the Durban […]

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The best SA golfers and the rest

The Presidents Cup is the rest of the world’s answer to the Ryder Cup. While the Europeans and Americans square off in the Ryder Cup, the Internationals, as they are called, are a team made up of the “best of the rest” from across golf courses the world over. South Africa has had strong representation […]