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Airway obstruction alert

Stranded in an empty stadium at Edgbaston on June 17 1999 and agonising over the tied cricket match that ended SA’s championship hopes, someone had a vision of the future: it’s World Cup 2011 and Alan Donald’s punching the air and high-fiving with ecstatic colleagues. There’s light at the end of the tunnel! But wait. […]

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This time the Proteas deserve no mercy

So on Saturday the same old same old, hey? And How! I started getting worried on Wednesday when a friend said to me, of all the opposition, he would have picked New Zealand. Then I read on Facebook about the certainty with which SA supporters were treating this fixture, thinking to myself that this is […]

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Melbourne takes to Super Rugby

When the new Super Rugby franchise was awarded to Melbourne, there was a healthy bout of scepticism doing the rounds in South Africa as to whether Australia’s second most populous city — with four million inhabitants — would take to rugby union. Melbourne was passed over in 2005, when a new franchise for the then […]

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Is there a Zulu in the house?

I am almost certain (well I hope so) that if you are roughly 18 years old or older I do not have to remind you of the 1999 Cricket World Cup — the seventh edition of the premium platform for world cricket — with the SA Dream Team, defined by Dr Ali Bacher as the […]

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The duplicity of the West in Libya

As the tidal wave of popular uprisings swept across the Arab world, the February 17 movement in Libya appeared to be on the same trajectory as other movements that led to the downfall of dictators in neighbouring Egypt and Tunisia. What was crystal clear from the onset was the open wish of the international community, […]

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The Tsotsobe-Morkel conundrum

Lonwabo Tsotsobe’s devastating form against the Bangladeshis should, hopefully, have made the selectors sit up and take note. Having been consigned to the role of drinks boy for most of the group stages, Tsotsobe reminded all and sundry why he was even on the trip to India to begin with. Which now leaves the selectors […]

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Somebody who was not us asked me what it means to be South African: We are a motley crew – not the girly glam sham metal band, but a family of incongruity. We were knotted from many threads in all kinds of tension. Our forefathers were variously: heroes and villains — settlers, locals, warriors, runaways, […]

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A step in the right direction for mobile payments

Mobile payments for mobile subscription services are receiving much news of late due to negative consumer sentiment over unsolicited billings. An imminent change in the way that Vodacom customers sign up for third-party mobile subscription services is good news for consumers and paves the way towards building increased confidence in mobile payments. Another important development […]

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Benefits of quality links

Trying to get your website to perform well? It’s not easy to grab the traffic you need in order to turn a profit but it’s not impossible either, provided you are using a sound strategy to help you out. What it’s going to take is making sure you have solid link building, which is not […]

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Milan San Remo 2011

One of the things I enjoyed most about the Milan San Remo on Saturday was the build up. Anticipation in the morning of the race was high. Riders were tweeting what they were having for breakfast while journalists were predicted the day’s winner. Cycling fans have a horrible time from October to January when there […]