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Netting a new niche market through social

Admit it, as a niche (luxury) brand you probably scoff at social media. What, you wonder, does your brand have to do with some pimply kid on a skateboard messaging his friends? But you’d be wrong on two counts. A KISSMetrics report reveals that social media users are both wealthier and older than you think. […]

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The state of the unified communications market

To understand the true benefits of unified communications (UC) it is necessary to examine the current state of this market, where it came from and where it is headed. Along the way we can debunk a few myths and misconceptions that stand in the way of its widespread adoption. UC is not VoIP It’s bigger […]

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Is Microsoft paying too much for Skype? No

OK, you might have seen the rumours about Microsoft buying Skype. Microsoft is apparently offering $7 billion dollars for the VoIP service — which sounds like silly money. In fact, this might be the biggest acquisition that Microsoft has ever done. However the details lie in the partnerships this can enable for Microsoft. Skype is the […]

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The rise of unemployment, inequality and poverty in SA

Seventeen years into our democratic dispensation we seem to be making little progress in devising and successfully implementing growth strategies and policies that can have a sustainable impact on our structural problems of high unemployment, increased inequality and pervasive poverty. These problems are in fact a legacy of the apartheid period and the biggest challenge […]

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Choosing the right information tools for the job

Businesses thrive when executives and managers have timely access to the information they need. But that doesn’t mean everyone needs the same tools. Business intelligence (BI) tools can be incredibly powerful. They offer great richness and depth of information to senior decision-makers. But they are not for everyone: at lower levels of the organisation, full-strength […]

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On UFOs and (psychogenic) perception

The recent declassification of previously secret documents by the FBI, and the availability of these on their so-called Vault website, have given the public access to, among others, the documents pertaining to the UFO “incident” at Roswell in the US, dating back to 1947. The incident in question involves, not merely sightings of “flying discs” […]

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Shortened Australia Tests a sign of cricket coming full circle

A very interesting statement was made by a Cricket Australia spokesman on May 6 when questioned about the now shortened Test series against South Africa, set for this coming October. Australia are touring to return the favour of South Africa, having toured Down Under during December and January, both countries’ most profitable time for cricket. […]

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Experience is key, coach!

In the modern day and age of immediate satisfaction we sometimes, as sports coaches, overlook our own job — to coach. To coach means to develop, to develop means to take a specific interest in a person who is also your player and build this person’s character and skills — this means caring as well. […]