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The English Premier League, how I saw it

By Chester Thomas It has been two weeks since the Premier League wound up but the memories will linger on until the new season starts unless you are an Arsenal or Chelsea fan, you might have forgotten about the 2010 / 2011 season already. My best comeback (a split) What most thought was a routine […]

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The pros and cons of using SMS in an emergency

SMS is the perfect emergency communications channel, right? People always have their phones with them, especially in an emergency; you can easily send one message to a number of people, and you can text when you can’t talk. Indeed, just over an hour after the earthquake in Christchurch struck earlier this year, Vodafone New Zealand […]

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Dear SuperSport executive

My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. I do hope you manage some sleep. Try to eat something and don’t allow yourself to be negatively affected by this recent tragedy that threatens your very integrity. I am horrified that an attractive young woman in your employ took it upon herself to appear naked […]

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It’s not the first time

By Gavin Moffat It’s not the first time. I’ve been here before. The enthusiasm. The commitment. The rush of adrenalin. Feeling good about what I’m accomplishing. Not sure what makes this time different. I saw the 5150 video and felt a scream of me-ness. I want to do that. I want to achieve. I want […]

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Unified communications can benefit SMEs too

Unified communications (UC) is enjoying accelerating adoption in the enterprise, based on its inherent efficiencies, cost-savings and business-process improvements. Partly thanks to the rise of tablet PCs and smartphones, it is one of the great success stories of ICT, and many vendors have come to the party with excellent functionality. But the benefits of UC […]

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Macs still overpriced

All the Mac acolytes have been jumping up and down this year with the iPad 2 and the falling MacBook prices. Quite frankly it’s just more of the same hot air. Before you think I’m just a Mac basher/deluded Windows follower, let me assure you that I am quite happy to give credit where it’s […]

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What to look for in a technology partner

When getting your digital media campaign off to its best possible start: Choose right With new online, mobile and social innovations emerging almost every day, digital marketing initiatives must draw on best-of-breed partners for every aspect of the project. No single developer or agency can deliver all outcomes. There have been enough project failures to […]

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African solutions to African problems

By Jacqueline Muna Musiitwa When engaging in African development discourse, I have failed to understand the popular phrase “African solutions to African problems”. It forces me to question what and who is African? Is it all mankind by virtue of humans originating from Africa or someone who can generally be traced to the Negroid race? […]

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Five top contact centre trends

Multichannels The age of the one-way communication street — where brands controlled the manner in which their customers communicated with them — has passed. Today’s customers want to communicate using a channel that suits them and that could be Facebook, Twitter, Skype, video calls, SMS, email, fax or regular phone calls, depending on the demographic […]

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The fight against child trafficking

Communications technology, such as the internet and mobile phones, certainly make life easier: from online banking, to staying in touch, to news and weather on the go and all the other benefits that have become such an integral part of our daily lives. Unfortunately, the same technology has also made it easier for criminals to […]