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The great Super 15 swindle

As we approach the business end of the inaugural Super 15, there will be much stocktaking on both sides of the Indian Ocean. The tournament itself can be won by the four teams that make up the semi-finals but regardless of where the trophy ends up, the Australians will be the ones most pleased by […]

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Will the real unified communications please stand up

Unified communications (UC) is increasingly being adopted in companies across the spectrum — from small to large businesses. But varying ideas are in circulation as to what this rich collective of technologies entails. So what is UC really? A tale of two components Two components define UC — communication and collaboration applications on the one […]

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Protests in Greece

Thessaloniki is balmy and sunny, and my partner and I are enjoying our gyros and Mythos beer in the leafy shade of a sidewalk restaurant — an inexpensive and tasty way of surviving in this history-rich Mediterranean country. From where we sit, we can see the colossal statue of Alexander the Great on his steed, […]

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Objects in the mirror seem larger than they are

I got the all clear from the physio on Tuesday to start training again. Keep it easy he said but do a little work to warm up the muscles. This was closely followed by a consultation with a dietician who proceeded to tell me that when you’re doing an hour training session it isn’t serious […]

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Africa: Past Dreams and My Future

by Ajarat Bada   It is 06.30 on a Monday morning and the routine remains the same for my sister – an engineering graduate who walks through the streets of Lagos in search of employment with her CV in hand. At this point, any job will do!   It is 7.30pm and we are still […]

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A Super Rugby Fantasy team

One of the advantages the information age has brought to the world of sports is the invention of the Fantasy League. America could arguably be said to have pioneered the concept. The internet first came to prominence there and with the United States being home to some of the richest sporting leagues in the world […]

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Edging towards viable anti-spam legislation

Over the last few years, South African legislation has slowly started catching up with electronic communications, and I had high hopes that the Protection of Personal Information Bill (Popi) would provide the final piece of the puzzle to both protect consumers and allow businesses to continue to market directly to people in an ethical way. […]

Posted inGeneralNews/Politics

Of mice and Malema

The re-election of Julius Malema as president of the ANC Youth League came as no surprise. The platform afforded him by the court challenge to his singing “the song whose name will not be mentioned” settled any doubt as to his intelligence, the fact of him being so articulate also consolidated his support base. As […]

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Youth: The problem or the solution?

By Sam Bradley Economists have noticed a funny phenomenon. As countries change from developing to developed, so the demographics of the country also change. Developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America have high fertility rates and high infant mortality rates. Lots of children are born, but many die at a young age. Conversely, developed […]

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Cinema, the growth of credulity, and time

According to Paul Virilio, illusionists (or television magicians like David Copperfield not long ago) find it increasingly difficult to make their tricks appear convincing as something “magical”, …”not for want of skill, but because the field of public credulity has expanded considerably in recent years, keeping step, indeed, with the progress of the mass media” […]