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Netball on the way up

Looking at Sports Leader and all other sports-related websites we do not see enough of the poorly defined “Cinderella” sports , which I would define as netball, hockey and perhaps swimming. For some reason these sports attract a low degree of sponsorship which keeps them pigeoned holed as “Cinderella” sports. I spoke to Mimi Mthethwa, […]

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SA Rugby has it wrong

I am, if you have not noticed by my past articles, a rugby enthusiast. I have had the privilege of coaching this game at some very competitive and talented levels. I usally revel in the July rugby week which is the U18 Craven Week, named after SA rugby legend Dr Danie Craven. However I am […]

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My dear fellow cyclists

While cycling during the past week I realised that so many of us err in our ways. Our habits need to be changed or amended. If we wish to improve our lot with our fellow road users then we need to take immediate action. Only if we do this will we avoid being ostracised, suffer […]

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Moving on to the Tri-Nations, now what?

The first Super 15 has come and gone, Sanzar made their TV rights money and there are complaints abound at its elongated format. I am happy that the Reds won the tournament, not only because I called them as the champions after week four, but because the have played consistent, high quality rugby. The rugby […]

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Rise up, young Africans

By Ezlyn Barends Entrepreneurship is a key driver in our economy. At the economic level, entrepreneurship stimulates markets. The creation of new businesses leads to further job creation and employment opportunities. At the social level, entrepreneurship empowers communities and its people. It also fosters innovation and changes the mindsets of citizens. Enterprising young South Africans […]

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Unified communications should be partly in the cloud

ICT vendors are pushing cloud computing almost without exception these days. And their backing of it is very compelling. For one thing, the green benefits are unassailable, with more efficient, demand-dictated provisioning of computing resources, lower consumption of electricity and less atmospheric warming. In the face of demands for higher performance at lower cost, cloud […]

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Desire, democracy and Deleuze/Guattari

Escaping for a while from the suffocating Turkish summer in a beautifully carpeted teashop in Istanbul near the Hagia Sophia, we marvel at the unbelievable flows of energy exuded by one of the most vibrant and variegated cities in the world. It is as if every nook and cranny of this metropolis of 13-million people […]

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Turkish delight

If at times, as Heidegger remarked, one forgets to be astonished at the very existence of the world, the the pulsating energy and sensory richness — to the point of overload — of Istanbul on the Bosphorus prompts one to remember to be astonished anew. Ten days in Istanbul, too much of it spent at […]

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‘Injured’ or resting, Div is spot on

The Super 15 isn’t even over and already the games have begun as the Rugby World Cup approaches. This became apparent with the South African Rugby Union’s announcement of 21 players who are “injured” or who have been carrying injuries through the Super 15 competition. All players on the list won’t be considered for the […]

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VoIP flourishing despite bandwidth limitations

The recent takeover of Skype by Microsoft makes for good headlines, but the transaction is a bit of a red herring when one is analysing global VoIP and IP telephony trends. Ultimately, Microsoft’s move is less a VoIP trend marker than a sign that the global giant is looking for ways to secure market share […]

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How not to think Africa from the Cape

By Harry Garuba How does one think Africa from the Cape in this post-colonial, post-apartheid moment? First, let me explain the rise of the notion of thinking from a place. The idea of location and locatedness saturates contemporary academic life. In the humanities and social sciences, the shifts in contemporary theory have made an awareness […]