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Tunnel vision

By Sandi Caganoff Last night my friend dragged me to a debate on the Palestine/Israel issue. She thinks I need exposure to such debates. I was promised it would be an extraordinary panel and the subject matter “will be riveting” she said, as I stifled a yawn. The subject of the debate was Israel and […]

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What are these surfers talking about?

With the Jeffreys Bay Billabong Pro struggling this year in near-perfect weather I think it’s a good idea to explore the bizarre way these people talk to each other. As a Jeffreys Bay inhabitant myself I’ve had many conversations with surfers over the years and often walked away confused as to what the hell just […]

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BlackBerry and the come-back

Blackberry, or officially RIM, has been on a rather downward spiral since the rapid growth of Android and the steady market share of iOS. You have to still consider that they are a good manufacturer and in many ways could actually leap back from the pits. What’s important to notice about RIM verses Nokia for […]

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Blade Runner’s Olympic dream one step closer

The Olympic Games is the most prestigious multi-sport event on earth, with only the Soccer World Cup comparable in size and magnitude. It is the ultimate dream for many a competitor to win an Olympic gold medal in their chosen field, since it is recognition of being one of if not the world’s best competitor […]

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Tri-Nations should be scrapped in a World Cup year

As we approach the first Tri-Nations Test of 2011, there is a nagging feeling moving beneath the media hype surrounding Saturday’s clash between South Africa and Australia in Sydney. While any match-up between the Wallabies and the Springboks is always worth a gander, it is almost as if this is merely the first step to […]

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Activity-based costing — beware the pitfalls

Judging by the number of customer enquiries about it, we appear to be in the middle of another wave of enthusiasm for activity-based costing (ABC). In theory, ABC is a powerful analytical tool for helping businesses understand exactly what makes them tick. But is the insight delivered worth the extra cost of implementation? Although our […]

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Niqab — a close encounter

By Sara Gon France has banned the wearing of the niqab and other European countries are considering doing the same. It is a strange response to the failure of European multiculturalism. A truly democratic, confident society should reinforce the principles and culture that characterise that society without removing rights to follow religion or culture. Banning […]

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A Mandela for our generation

by Zamantungwa Khumalo I don’t believe in Mandela Day.  I really don’t. Now I realise that this is probably the most blasphemous thing I can say, especially on this day.  However, inasmuch as I don’t believe in this day, I recognise the impact that it has and I recognise what today symbolises.  It is because of […]

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Rudolph: The joker in Kirsten’s pack?

As the year slowly grinds towards the next summer of international cricket, preparations have already begun for those considered to inhabit the “near selection” vortex of the national side. South Africa A have recently returned from a brief yet fruitful tournament involving themselves, a near full strength Zimbabwe and an Australia A side containing several […]

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A great American dies

To hear a South African you’d swear that we won liberation from apartheid oppression all by ourselves. It was us who suffered. We who conquered. And when it comes to today’s failures, then there are a host of ‘them’ and ‘they’ and ‘others’ we can blame. Triumph is a cloak we all wear; failure is […]

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Jurassic township tours

In a famous scene from the original Jurassic Park, the private visitors are herded into Toyota Venturesque vehicles from which they depart on a predefined tour of the park and its unknown inhabitants. They stare with awe and mystery through the high-voltage fencing at the dark hinterland beyond, waiting for an unknown predator to show […]