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The dilemma of race

By Guy Chennells This article is in continuation of a debate that I must admit I’ve only partly followed. It’s about race and being South African. If you know what you’re going to say in response already, this is not for you. If you feel a gnawing hunger for an unsure offering, like it’s a […]

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1994 to now: How did we get here?

By Balt Verhagen In Who am I? Kopano Matlwa Mabaso chronicles her hopes and bitter disappointments since 1998 when she started high school. This prompted me, a person three times her age, to recount some of my own experiences during the same period when “we were well settled into our new democracy”. Around 1998 I […]

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CSA reform and a fresh start on the cards

The announcement of Heyneke Meyer as the new Springbok coach on Friday overshadowed another important day for Cricket South Africa (CSA), with it being the last of oral submissions to the sports ministry’s inquiry into the bonus saga that has afflicted the organisation. Judge Mervyn King, South Africa’s authority on corporate governance, while not taking sides during his testimony, […]

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Will the new Thabo Mbeki please speak up?

Former president Thabo Mbeki is creeping back into the intellectual spotlight. His pronouncement on the issue of knowledge production at the University of Stellenbosch Business School’s Knowledge Management Conference recently has generated much heat and light. His utterances have, rightly, put a critical spotlight on the role of academia and business in not only generating […]

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Creating a successful contact centre

The quality of the consumer’s contact centre experience defines a significant portion of overall brand value – far more so now than was the case a few years ago. For most brands, the defining contact centre challenge is to move away from a paradigm where customer service is a gritty and unpleasant coal face experience, […]

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The politics of confusion

It seems politics has become nothing but a crusade in confusion, confusing the very same people who voted politicians into office. Politicians get caught up in the fruitless and wasteful game of politicking while bravely maintaining the lie that they are working for our interests. I must start by saying we need to understand that […]

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Some questions about Heyneke Meyer

Four years ago, Heyneke Meyer was one of the two final candidates for the position of Springbok coach. Politics played a role and post a very strong era of Bok rugby, we threw our success away for political gain. On January 27, 2012 the South African Rugby Union (SARU) appointed the man that should have […]

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Who am I?

I was born at Mamelodi Day Hospital in 1985. At a time when the apartheid government was getting anxious about the longevity of their antics, when the people were realising that perhaps they could really beat this thing, when everyone, white and black alike, could feel that the air was different. There were many of us […]