Yip, I’m back.

After a few months of scribbling away at my second novel, I’ve decided to emerge from my shell and scribble a bit on Thought Leader instead.

But only twice a week — Mondays and Fridays. This is the new, streamlined me.

Before I begin (again), though, I’d like to mention a few things … Like how this is a blog about my favourite things, and I’m not trying to speak for the masses. If you’re after political commentary or musings on the current news headlines, this is not the place to come. I’m not going to dwell on the heaps and heaps of bad news. I am, in fact, going to mosey along with my head in the clouds; totally on purpose. Because I’m of the belief that the more we focus on the awful things, the faster they come rushing towards us.

So! That’s my caveat, before I even begin.

Now on to cooler things, namely the Cape Town winter. Yes, last week was disastrous — more than a week of flooding that devastated homes and gave everyone cabin fever. But I’m trying (very hard) to find a few things I like about winter … Here they are:

  • It’s a great excuse to be anti-social and catch up on all the DVDs I didn’t watch in summer because I was too busy soaking up the sunshine.
  • Waking up on the weekends and being able to sleep in is heavenly (I won’t mention weekday mornings …)
  • Drinking tea (which I do in the heat of summer, because I’m a caffeine addict) has become a treat again.
  • Winter is an excellent reason not to eat salad, and to carbo-load on pasta instead.
  • All the rain makes sunny days feel extraordinary.
  • The rare sunny days (like today) that feel just like Durban winter, which is, it must be said, damn near perfect …


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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