When I read David Bullard’s offending article, which was a disgrace, I pulled no punches — I said that when he had time to reflect he would realise that this was not his finest hour. Now having watched him on the Noeleen show and read his apology, my estimation of the man, which was always high, is restored, and if anything has increased

David Bullard is a character — a man with the ability to get under your skin and get you laughing, talking, swearing, anything but bored. That’s the business and he is worth the price of admission on his own. I was particularly gratified to see that his apology included Mondli because the editor had done the only thing he could under the circumstances.

What he wrote was wholly inappropriate and needed confirmation from him that he understood where the problem was. He has done that and is a bigger man for it.

Another columnist who attracts a lot of abuse is Jon Qwelane. If you read his column on News24, followed by the comments, you’ll understand what I mean. Jon’s biggest sin, in my humble opinion, is that he keeps hitting a nerve — because he is saying what needs to be said.

As I said in my analysis of Barack Obama’s speech from Philadelphia, regarding the Reverend Wright and the question of racism, bridges will be built when we confront the real issues. Qwelane does just that and people don’t like it.

Let’s be honest, we’d much rather hear that whites love Tiger and Barack then be told that there are people living in terrible conditions in Diepsloot; that something has to be done; that the solution to their poverty benefits us all.

Like David, Jon is a character who sparks interest — love him or hate him you’ll read him. Like David he also owes an apology — his take on Zimbabwe was quite frankly an insult to the people of that country. In addition, to call people who attack the butcher of Zimbabwe racists and Tsvangirai a puppet is not hitting through the ball — it’s missing your shot and hitting yourself in the face with your racket.

People who call Mugabe to account aren’t racists, they’re humanitarians. Tsvangirai is not a puppet, he is an incredibly brave man standing firm in the face of tyranny. In supporting Mugabe, Qwelane demonstrates that his take on South Africa is a lot better than his reading of Zimbabwe.

Regardless, it is people like Jon and David who get you talking about the issues that confront us on a daily basis. If I was to run a radio station, TV channel or newspaper their names would be first on my list.

For me I will always choose the characters above the minuvels (little grey men). Give me John McEnroe over Bjorn Borg every day of the week. Where Borg was robotic, Mac was pure, raw emotion.

That’s why I have become a great fan of Deputy Minister of Safety and Security Sue Shabangu — nobody will ever accuse her of doing a Henry Kissinger. Remember him? : “Der … er … problem … in er … ah … um… Berlin … is … er … um … ah … regarding … um … er … regarding … prognostification of der … um … er … ablution paper … er … what was the question again?

Shabangu is in your face — “Minister, Joe Bloggs from CNN: What is your position on the new police uniforms?”

“Mr Bloggs is it? Shoot the bastards; Kill them! Don’t worry about regulations, leave them to me!”

So no policy change there.

As South Africans we must celebrate our stars, even those we can’t stand — because without them our lives would be that much poorer.

Like it or not, David Bullard and Jon Qwelane are superstars of the South African media. Their presence makes my visit to the internet and the newspapers that much more rewarding.

Long may they be with us.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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