It might seem, from watching the news lately, that it’s the end of the world as we know it. Freakish weather, unexplained acts of violence, political unrest, and a general craziness that seems to have seeped into the ether.

But there are still a handful of things to be grateful about. Here are a few that have occurred to me, feel free to add your own (come on! I dare you.)

  • The petrol price has gone down! Which is really just great. Especially seeing as we’re all used to coughing up a lung to pay for a tank of petrol.
  • It’s December, which means most of us will be getting some time off to rest and recharge our batteries for 2009. And the beginning of any new year always brings with it a dose of hope.
  • This might not be anyone’s most abundant Christmas, but sometimes having a little less money forces us to be creative and spend better quality time with our families … or find interesting ways around gift-giving, like sharing talents or having a gift lucky draw (which has the ability to be far more fun and a lot more spiteful than it sounds!)
  • It’s summer! For anyone in Cape Town, this is no small miracle after the winter we had. Longer days, blooming flowers, warm weather, all that good stuff.
  • Slowly, slowly, the 2010 tide seems to be turning … I’ve heard murmurs, lately, about it actually happening, and happening well. What was that about the hospitality pre-booking being better than Germany at this stage? It’s not even necessarily about 2010, anyway, it’s about all of us investing in a little hope for the future of South Africa, and it feels like it’s finally happening.

    So there’s my dose of gratitude this morning. Have you got anything to add?

  • Author


    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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