This seems to be the week of effusive praise.

Have you watched Boston Legal? If not, may I suggest putting your computer to sleep (it’s environmentally friendlier) and heading down to your local DVD store to hire a series of it?

Guaranteed, you won’t be able to do anything but watch it (and laugh, snort or giggle) for days.

Why do I love it so?

  • The acting is incomparable. Big names such as William Shatner, James Spader and Murphy Brown who will forever after only be their Boston Legal counterparts as far as I’m concerned. It’s 3D characterisation, perfectly realised. They have flaws and quirks, tender moments and tough ones. They’re like you or me, only with really great suits and flawless hair.
  • The characters’ hair. It’s flawless.
  • The writing is tight, funny, irreverent and topical. Genius!
  • It’s addictive. I can’t stop watching it not only because it’s such top-quality TV, but also because I care about the characters … and they do those irresistible teasers at the end of each episode, telling you what’s coming up. It pins me to my couch.
  • It is so very, very funny. Laugh-out-loud funny. Hilarious cases (it’s set in a law firm, if you didn’t guess), brilliant one-liners, superb acting. With heart thrown in too.
  • Go watch!


    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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