I’ve been lucky enough to stumble on some rather extraordinary blogs of late, and I thought perhaps it was time to share them …

Funnily enough, this whole blogging thing is still pretty new to me — I only discovered it a few months ago, and although at first I thought it was a bit odd (Who would want to read about my thoughts? Why would I want to read about anyone else’s?), now I’m hooked. Totally hooked! There is some champion stuff out there.

Here, then, a few of my favourites:

The Empire Collective is a collection of brief anecdotes and beautiful images. Full of desirables and fantastically creative ideas, it’s sure to get you inspired and eager to do something wonderful.

Spray Glue is a treat. A gallery of photographs, fashion, events and little snippets of wonder, visiting Spray Glue is kind of like going on holiday to somewhere beautiful. And happy. And full of surprises.

Design Sponge is an overseas blog showcasing unusual furniture, city guides, DIY projects and artwork. It’s personal, funny, fresh and original, and it could keep me entertained for hours and hours and hours.

A Dress a Day is a blog all about dresses! Every day! What a pleasure. Seeing as I am mildly to moderately addicted to dresses, I am a huge fan of this site. Dresses, patterns, buttons — but not dorky. So cool.

Charlotte’s Web first caught my attention (I confess!) because she wrote an interesting review of Strange Nervous Laughter, questioning whether there needs to be a political edge to South African fiction. She also has a cool project going, where she’s challenging herself to do 50 new things this year.

Post-Ictal Confessions describes itself as “dealing with life, love, work and epilepsy” and is a personal and very honest account of a young doctor’s life, and how his epilepsy affects his life, love and work. Fascinating.

The Misinterpretation of Dreams is whimsical, honest and unusual — one woman’s observations about life in a small town, and reflections on life as she’s lived it. A rare treat.

The Scent of Water has stunning close-up photographs of pretty things, numerous mentions of food, lots of references to sewing and reading, and a blog post titled “I love food the way some people love their children”, which pretty much sums up my feelings about food!

I could carry on forever, but I think that’s probably enough for now …

More beautiful blogs soon!


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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