Forget an enquiry into the Olympics, the Para-Olympics or even the arms deal, the people who need to face up to an oversight committee and then a firing squad, are the wenners who select our Big Brother Africa contestants. Wherever they found this genius should be fenced off just in case the personality disorder is contagious …

Hands up those of you who thought that after our disastrous campaign in Big Brother Africa 2, the brains’ trust that decides on our entries would go out of their way to find the coolest, spunkiest and most dynamic BB competitor ever to have walked the planet?

Yeah, me too.

Problem is that they probably thought that nature’s answer to insomnia is the coolest, spunkiest …

As Mrs Traps (the government) never misses a second of BB and we happen to have the TV in our bedroom, I have no choice but to watch hour after hour of the kids from Africa.

Overall it’s actually great fun with Big Brother constantly stirring the pot to try and see what will spark the housemates. Last night for example he panned their Olympic week and took away 100% of their luxury items. As anticipated the proverbial hit the fan.

The problem for South Africa, as the government points out, is that the only claim to fame our genius has is tossing Tupperware over the wall and giggling inanely between sentences. Which begs the question of what he did at the interviews which led our judges to select him?

He is apparently studying economics, speaks Mandarin and wants to be a millionaire. While these are all interesting enough qualities, did anyone bother to check up whether in between all that he actually has a personality? Or does world champion Tupperware tosser qualify you automatically?

Dear oh dear oh dear.

Have you seen the rest of the contestants?

Nigeria has put forward a wonderful character named Uti who along with Uganda’s Morris must have the best chance among the male contestants. Angola’s Ricco must be a good outsider as is Zimbabwe’s Munya. Among the ladies Tanzania has selected a belter named Latoya while Ghana’s Mimi is very bubbly.

In all honesty there are so many wonderful characters that it is hard to see a clear winner.

That said unless they are going to be judging who the biggest tosser in the house is, there is a clear loser. If our genius is the first to get an eviction party, make sure you don’t miss it.

It’s bound to be a giggle.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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