Reports, including our own, which claim that the AWB wants a declaration of war are not giving careful consideration to the circumstances in which the country currently finds itself. It simply is not on.

For proof that it is misguided, regard need only be had to the retraction by the AWB of the statement of one of their members that they were seeking to avenge the death of former leader Eugene Terre’Blanche. While there can be no doubting the anger of their members over the murder of Terre’Blanche this goes more to their concern over the plight of farmers and reckless disregard of the ANCYL and its president Julius Malema, than anything else.

Secretary-general Andre Visagie advised a large group of foreign journalists gathered outside Terre’Blanche’s Ventersdorp home that next week they begin negotiations with government to ensure that first and foremost farmers are protected.

This in response to more than 3 000 farmers having been killed in the past 14 years. Visagie repeated the call for a volkstaat saying they want to govern themselves with their own culture and language and confirmed that the AWB meets first with Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa confirming that violence would be their “very last resort”.

While the white supremacist group claims to have a membership of anything between 100 000 and 150 000 people that would appear to be highly optimistic.

Visagie said that after peaceful negotiations with the government — and if no joy is had — they would return to their nation for a decision. He thereafter repeated the call for members to “stay calm until we come back to them with the outcome of negotiations with government”.

Steyn van Ronge has now been appointed AWB leader, Johan Potgieter his deputy, with Visagie remaining secretary-general and spokesman — except when it comes to interviews with eNews. The AWB itself needs to understand that the overwhelming majority of white South Africans — while angry with the ANC and ANCYL for their failure to intervene decisively against crime and the reckless disregard of the ANCYL and Malema — still support the government and mainstream opposition parties and would not take kindly to threats before or after negotiations.

In accordance therewith any move towards separatism must be handled with due regard being had to the feelings and concerns of all South Africans regardless of race.

They must state their case and provide compelling evidence why this extraordinary measure would be acceptable to the country. Failing that find ways — along with everyone else — to achieve their goals within the society that they live.

Don’t ever confuse white annoyance with the government as a ticket towards reintroducing racism, which the vast majority find disgusting.

Speaking of things disgusting the Democratic Alliance in the North West has condemned the Congress of SA Trade Unions (Cosatu) for their timing in organising a meeting in Ventersdorp during the Terre’Blanche funeral.

MPL Chris Hattingh said that the statements by Cosatu North West spokesman Solly Phetoe that there were “planned attacks against farm workers” were irresponsible and being made in an explosive atmosphere.

Phetoe responded by saying that seven farm workers were assaulted the day after Terre’Blanche’s death. The meeting was to make sure members were “safe and disciplined. They must not be near the funeral”.

This is where the police needed to step in and advise the AWB that they would not tolerate any violence by their members or farmers looking to settle scores. If there had been assaults on farm workers, immediate arrests made. The ANC and alliance partners advising members to give it a wide berth at a sensitive time.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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