I appreciate it when writers step out of their genre boxes and do something a little inventive and out of the ordinary.

Here are a few of my favourite out-of-the-boxers:

  • Tom Robbins. My first love in fiction, and the one who taught me that rules in writing aren’t really rules at all. Not even guidelines.
  • Paul Arden. I’ve just read his God Explained in a Taxi Ride and it is a hoot. And really smart. I like the slanted way he looks at life.
  • Malcolm Gladwell. Anyone who takes the world and picks it apart and then puts it back together again in a totally different way is pretty ingenious, as far as I’m concerned.
  • Alain de Botton. He takes the most obtuse subjects and turns them comprehensible, and fascinating. I love it!
  • Jonathan Safran Foer. He’s a bit too complicated at times, but his fiction is undoubtedly unlike anyone else writing at the moment.

    Yikes! These are all male authors … That won’t do.

    Anyone have any women to add to the mix?


    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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